In this section
Licensing Sub-Committee (Hearings)
Licensing Sub-committees - further information
Licensing Sub-Committees consider applications for new or variations to licences submitted under the Licensing Act 2003 and Gambling Act 2005, when objections have been raised by residents or statutory organisations, for example the Police or Environmental Health.
- Those people who have submitted a representation about an application are allowed to speak.
- It is necessary to inform the Licensing team of the intention to attend and speak.
- There is no restriction on the length of time a person can speak.
- There is an opportunity for all parties (applicant, responsible authorities and interested parties) to cross-examine the other speakers.
- All parties will be given the opportunity to summarise their comments.
- If you address a meeting, your name and the contents of your submission will be recorded in the minutes and on the council’s YouTube channel, both of which are a permanent and public record.