In this section
A message from our Chief Executive

About Watford
Watford is a council that prides itself on thinking bigger. Our ambition and drive set us apart and mean we are an exciting place to work, offering our staff real opportunities to build their careers and develop and grow. As a town led by a directly Elected Mayor, you would expect us to think differently. We thrive on challenging the accepted way of doing things and working at pace to achieve the best for our town, our residents and community. With our Council Plan 2022-26 and Delivery Plan 2024-26, supported by a dynamic senior management team, our passion to engage our staff in everything we do, including our emerging new values and behaviours, this is an exciting time to be part of ‘team Watford’.
Our town
Watford is unique and so are our people. Entrepreneurial and bold, creative and diverse – we are a place with big ideas for today and tomorrow, plus the collective skills and will to make things happen. Together we are building a prosperous and sustainable future that celebrates everyone. We have an enviable location close to London but within easy reach of all that Hertfordshire offers, a strong reputation as a successful business hub and a range of outstanding attractions, including a regional town centre, exciting creative and cultural offer and 17 green flag parks. People beyond our borders look to Watford as their ‘go-to’ town and we have an exceptional pull, with ‘Greater Watford’ serving a population of over half a million.
The Council
Our vibrant council reflects the town of 102,000 residents, 5,500 business and thriving voluntary and community we serve. We are recognised as one of the most forward-looking and creative district councils in the UK, shortlisted as the MJ Council of the Year in 2021. We thrive on pushing the boundaries where we can, to achieve more for Watford, and we are seriously ambitious for our town and our people. Through strong political and managerial leadership, there is a clear direction set for the organisation and the town. This has involved challenging the way we do things and being receptive to new ways of working, whether partnering with the private sector or the third sector or working collaboratively with other local authorities.
As an organisation, we have embraced agile and, over the last year, taken it to the next level so that staff are truly empowered to flourish, supported by exciting new, flexible offices and a culture that values collaboration and creativity. Health and wellbeing are at the heart of the council and we are proud of the talent we inspire to work for us, opening up opportunities for those with flair to develop and grow. People excel at Watford. They are trusted to grasp opportunities, lead through complexity and uncertainty and test the boundaries within a supportive and encouraging environment.
Find out more about our vision, commitments and priority actions for the council, the town and community from our Council stategies and plans section.
Donna Nolan, Chief Executive