Stay connected with Watford Borough Council on WhatsApp Channels!

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In today's fast-paced digital age, staying connected with your local council has never been easier or more convenient...

Watford Borough Council is excited to announce that we are now on WhatsApp, and we invite you to join our official WhatsApp Channels to stay informed, engaged, and updated on all things related to your community.

Follow the council on WhatsApp Channels

Why Should You Follow Watford Borough Council on WhatsApp Channels?

  1. Instant Updates: With WhatsApp Channels, you'll receive instant updates and important notifications from Watford Borough Council directly to your mobile device. Be the first to know about local news, events, road closures, and more.

  2. Community Engagement: We value your input and feedback. WhatsApp makes it easy for you to engage with us

  3. Event Reminders: Don't miss out on exciting local events, festivals, and community initiatives. Receive timely reminders and event details right in your WhatsApp chat.

  4. Emergency Alerts: In case of emergencies, we can quickly share vital information with you through WhatsApp, ensuring your safety and well-being.

  5. Local Services: Learn about the various services and resources available to you from Watford Borough Council. Whether it's information about recycling, housing, or public transportation, we've got you covered.

How to Follow Watford Borough Council on WhatsApp Channels:

Following us on WhatsApp is easy and free! Click on this link:

Published: 19th October 2023

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