How are subjects chosen for scrutiny?

All scrutiny committees have a rolling work programme, setting out the subjects members want to scrutinise. The committee will add new items to the programme once they’ve agreed on the subjects. The Overview and Scrutiny Committee may agree that a task group is set up to carry out an in depth review of a subject.

Scrutiny subjects must:

  • affect a group or community of people in Watford
  • relate to a service, event or issue in which the council has a significant stake
  • not have been a scrutiny topic in the last 12 months
  • not be a planning or licensing issue

Ideally, the subject should meet at least one of the council's priorities:

  • manage the borough's housing needs
  • enable a thriving local community
  • enable a sustainable town and council
  • celebrate and support our community

Scrutiny suggestions can come from any of the following:

  • councillors
  • council officers
  • the public

Submit an idea for Scrutiny

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