Neighbourhood plans

As a resident of Watford, you can have your say about development in your area by creating a neighbourhood plan.

These plans are produced by volunteers who are a part of a neighbourhood forum.

How to create a neighbourhood plan

You can find information on how to plan, create and apply on the neighbourhood website

Neighbourhood plans can cover many different areas:

  • housing site allocations (including affordable housing)
  • provision for businesses in the area
  • design guidance
  • sites for community use, such as schools and health and leisure facilities
  • protection of open spaces and heritage assets
  • renewable energy schemes and projects
  • restrictions on permitted development rights

Your plan must meet basic conditions set out in planning law, which will be tested through an independent examination.

Neighbourhood plans can't be used to stop development, but groups can make the decision on whether a development is acceptable or not.

Consulting on a neighbourhood plan

You can get consultation guidance and advice from Watford council.

This will make sure your plan complies with legislative requirements and planning policies in the Watford Local Plan.

Contact us

If you need any support creating a neighbourhood plan, you're welcome to contact us today.


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